
Welcome to my vineyard - a little corner of cyber territory to enable those interested in my publications find what they're looking for in one place. It's a 'work in progress' and will contain downloadable resources as the months and years go by. Your feedback is most welcome.

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ADVANCING SALESIAN EDUCATION: An Evolutionary Analysis of St. John Bosco's Preventive System for Peacebuilding.  Divyadaan, Nashik. ANNUAL SEMINAR, 2024, 12 September. Download here.

On January 10, 2024, Don Bosco Centre for Learning, Kurla, held a two hour session on creating a bully-free campus. It was a follow up to the many Peace Education Courses held in the Mumbai Province between August and October 2023. See photos here   

Bombay Archdiocesan Inter-Religious Christmas Celebration, Dec. 17, 2023.

For photos,  click on the picture. For the brochure and Examiner article in pdf, click here

A Peace Communication Seminar was held at Divyadaan, Nashik, India: 20th to 30th November, 2023. (for students only)

2022 Releases

Don Bosco is popularly admired and known around the globe as a saint, priest, ‘father, friend and teacher of youth’. This book investigates, perhaps for the first time, the peace traits he imbibed and nurtured and the peace culture he displayed. To confirm the validity of this curious yet unique choice, the author adopts an unconventional approach with three separable yet interconnected research trends. The first presents Don Bosco’s peace response to twenty conflicts in his own life. The second widens the popular understanding of peace to embrace the scientifically accepted notion proposed by Johan Galtung and to test participant perceptions about Don Bosco’s peace traits. The final study, the major part of the book, explores the personal, social, political, cultural and transcendental aspects of Don Bosco’s peace culture, thereby highlighting its universal and ever-relevant applicability.

Click here to Download Intro

Click here for Reviews

ANS News

ANS DBPC-A fresh perspective

(17X24 cms,  pp. 470)

For Europe, Australia, North America €29,00. 


For India South Asia Rs. 720.

For East Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America, $15.00

please write to Kristu Jyoti Publications, Bosco Nagar, K. R. Puram, Bengaluru - 560036. 

kristujyotipub@yahoo.co.in ,  Phone: 9481201282  or  9482331340 

2021 Releases

The Salesian Family Songfest (23,178 views  since Jan 1, 2021)

The songfest is a collection of hymns to celebrate a few models of the Salesian Family. A production by pastpupils of the Mumbai Province, namely Roney Gomes and Family, for the orchestration, recording and vocals and Jay Franco for the Music Score. >>> 

The Marian Collection (more than 1 million views since Apr 22, 2020 )

A tribute to the Mother of Jesus Christ, the world's first Christ-ian. A modest attestation to the joy of believing in a God who renews and redeems the world through the generous cooperation of ordinary, insignificant people ready to make His dream a reality in their everyday lives - just like Mary.

Click here >>> to access the video of 21 recorded hymns 

And here >>> for the lyrics and music score PDF (also available below the video).

Salesian Expressive Education

In 2011 and 2012, Divyadaan, Journal of Philosophy & Education published a set of articles by authors willing to explore themes related to 'Salesian Expressive Education'. The articles have now been brought together in a web-book in PDF format. 

The original article on Don Bosco's Expressive System that had triggered their reflection is included in the Appendix of this collection. 

The authors are Salesians: Kenneth Pereira, Eunan McDonnell, Tadeusz Lewicki, Mario Comoglio and Chinappan Antonyraj.

See the Web-book or download the PDF copy here  (also redirected to Academia.edu

Read the Reviews here

Teach Peace Now! Later may be too late! 

The teachers' manual, Exercises in Peace Education, and the supplementary workbook for students, We Choose Peace, are now available for free (no strings attached, and no 'sign in' required).

The teachers’ resource manual consists of 53 lesson plans for educators of South Asia for promoting peace and nonviolence among young people from ages 5 to 17. Through experiential and participatory learning, they are encouraged to develop their knowledge, attitudes and skills in order to become peace-filled persons and proactive peacebuilders. 

The lessons raise awareness, provoke thinking, challenge stereotypes, point to solutions and incite to action. 

To be relevant to all South Asians without distinction, an 

attempt has been made to sustain a multi-ethnic, pluri-cultural and inter-religious viewpoint.

COURSES based on the manual are also organized during the months of July-August. Those interested may contact the author.


The Teachers' Manual, Exercises in Peace Education (2018) click here.

The Students' Workbook, We Choose Peace (2018) click here.

2020 Releases

November 2020

"Disinformation in Social Media in the context of COVID-19" An online presentation for the 25th  Annual Meeting of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference (FABC), Manila, November 19 to 20, 2020. >>> (Academia.edu)  

 July 2020

 "Growing to be ‘Salesians of Don Bosco' through the Smartphone Years: An exploratory study of initial formation processes in a digital world">>> (Academia.edu)

01 June 2020

Seventy songs of The Peter Gonsalves Collection in 6 videos uploaded on Youtube, with the Music Score for free downloading in the textual description under each. Produced by Tej in 2012. >>> (YouTube)  

31 January 2020

Uploaded the album प्रेम संचार (Prem Sanchar = Communicate Love) 16 value education songs for kids in Hindi, produced by Tej in 1999. >>> (YouTube)

01 January 2020

Uploaded two albums of Children hymns in Marathi produced by Tej in 1990s: लहान दिवा येशूचा & चिमुकले ओठ >>> (YouTube)

2019 Releases

21 December 2019

Article for EDUFOCUS of Mumbai Archdiocesan Educational Board: 

"Just who in the world is Gandhi" >>> (redirected to Academia edu)

10 December 2019

Uploaded the collection of Christmas hymns in Marathi produced by Tej in 1998  >>> (redirected to YouTube)

01 December 2019

A brief article on St. John Paul II and Gandhi for Live Encounters, 

December 2019: >>> (redirected to Academia.edu)

22 November 2019

The link to The Marian Collection (released on August 15, 2019) of songs and music score available on this website >>> 

10 October 2019

Five articles on 'Salesian Expressive System' online for free downloading in one PDF book >>> (redirected to Academia.edu)

20 September 2019

Inagurated the Hindi Youtube Channel Tej-prasarini - Hindi >>> (redirected to YouTube)

10 September 2019

Uploaded the collection of devotional hymns in Marathi by Fr. Hilary Fernandes produced in 1998  >>> (redirected to YouTube)

04 February 2019

The album Walking with Jesus containing 23 songs for kids with attractive easy-reading and sing-along incentives. >>> (redirected to YouTube)

01 February 2019

A brief article on Paul VI and Gandhi for Live Encounters, January 2019: >>>

06 January 2019

Jay Franco's Music Score of Don Bosco, a Witness to Light. >>>

2018 Releases

13 August 2018

Article: Peace Education for India: An idea whose time has come back. >>>

15 August 2018

An updated digital version of the 2003 manual for South Asian teachers : Exercises in Peace Education 

June 2018

"The Memory of the Salesian Province of Bombay, 1968-1998", available in pdf at Books

April 2018

"Growing with the Young" (1994), "How to Book for Youth Leaders"(1996), "Exercises in Media Education" (1999), and DBWAY self-study guide (2011), now available for free download at Books.

For older releases see Articles, Books or Songs


For books translated into Hindi and Marathi go to website of SAGE BHASHA >>>


For songs/videos in English, Hindi and Marathi click on these YouTube channels: