Doctoral Theses
Theses Defended
2023-05-11: CHAKLAPARAMBU M. J. ROBY, The leadership communication of Pope Francis. A theory-guided study of the first 4 years of his pontificate.
2023-02-20: KIPOUNAMAI ANNA, Video Conferencing Technology in Education: A theory-based empirical research on St. Pauls Institute of Communication Education (SPICE), Mumbai.
2022-09-21: MURIANKARY MATHEW, Uses and gratifications of social media. A study on the use of Facebook among college students in Kerala
2020-12-09: RUSHCHAK BOGDANA: Euromaidan as reported by the Kyiv Post. Textual analysis according to the 'Social Representation Theory' of Serge Moscovici (Third reader)
2020-07-06: ODEY LUKE AGIM: John Merrill’s journalism ethics and Johan Galtung’s peace journalism: a comparative study
2019-06-18: NDHLOVU CHARLES: The 'communication theology' of Karl Rahner
2018-05-22: CYRIAC SAJITH: D. Buckingham's understanding of 'media education' & its application to a quasi-experimental research with school children.
2018-05-10: OKPOTU JOHN: McLuhan Today: His predictions on the media in a digital age according to R. K. Logan, P. Levinson and P. Grosswiler
2017-05-25: IRUDAYASAMY PLAVENDRAN, Neil Postman's Media Ecology
2016-06-17: CHAGWEDA PETER, Johan Galtung's Concept of Peace Journalism
2014-01-14: PAUL JOHN, Avery Dulles' Theology of Communication
2012-09-27: IORAPUU MOSES A., Patriarchal ideologies and media access to overcome discrimination against Tiv women (Third reader)
Projects approved, work in progress
2024 - ARJUNAN JEGAN, Media and the family in the documents of the Catholic Church from 2000-2023 based on literature reviews, relevant theories and focus group research.
2023 - AUGUSTIN PRINCE, The role of smartphone in enhancing palliative care in Kerala: a research based on the communication theory of Sherry Turkle.
2013 - KAYIHURA JEAN PAUL, La promozione del "Peace journalism" di Johan Galtung in Ruanda. Ricerca e analisi delle notizie in Kinyarwanda
Master Theses
2024 - NGAPEMBA TITUS, Julius Nyerere - Peace Communicator. His contribution to the liberation of Tanzania. (work In progress)
2023-12-07: RAJENDRAN THIMENA CELINE, Milton Bennett's "Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity"
2020-10-16: MAIRIGA JUVENTUS BIKWAP, Bias and disinformation in social media and the importance of media literacy
2020-06-23: AMBANG BLESSED NJUME, Desmond Tutu as a Peace Communicator, his role in dismantling apartheid in South Africa
2018-06-27: KALATHILPARAMBIL JOY JUBY, Digital identity on social networking sites. A contemporary ethical reading
2018-06-21: LUBULA JOSEPH, The phenomenon of cyber-religion in the works of Christopher Helland
2018-06-21: LUGER JOSEPH, Building public trust through communication - the case of Barack Obama
2018-06-15: YAW DARKO MICHAEL, Freedom of expression in the digital age. A study of the UNESCO documents
2018-02-09: TUKAN PETRUS PEHAN, The use of space in intercultural communication according to Edward T. Hall
2017-06-21: MABICKASSA SERGE PATRICK, Les mass-medias mans le magistere du Pape Paul VI
2017-02-09: LOUKANGOU-MAVOUNGOU GONTRAN GERVAIS, Educommunication a la paix dans le pensée de Maria Montessori
2015-12-18: REBEIRO BULBUL AUGUSTINE,'Media education'' according to the WCD messages of the Popes from Paul VI to Francis.
2015-06-26: NDHLOVU CHARLES LWANGWA, The metaphors of Pope Francis in the light of the 'Conceptual Metaphor Theory' of George Lakoff.
2015-03-24: CORRAYA BABLU, Media for a culture of peace in the thought of Pope John Paul II. A study of his messages for World Communications Day.
2014-06-19: BARROS PEREIRA BENTO, The ''cultivation theory'' of George Gerbner,
2014-06-30: CHAGWEDA PETER, The spiral of silence: a critical study of the theory of Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann,
2014-02-24: CHENG QI, L'educazione ai media nei documenti della chiesa alla luce dei concetti fondamentali della media education di David Buckingham,.
2013-02-10: AMALORPAVAM SELVAM, Cultural studies according to Stuart Hall,
2012-12-07: D'SILVA DOMINIC X., Understanding media effects. A critical look at the "Two-step flow", "Cultivation" and "Agenda Setting" theories,.
2012-02-23: MWAWASI BRIDGITA, The "Green Belt Movement" of Wangari Maathai in the light of Bella Mody's theory of participatory communication.
2011-06-08: YERUVA JOJI REDDY, Education for social transformation. A gandhian model for the youth of Andhra Pradesh, India
Bachelors Theses
2023-06-07: JOSEPH BIPIN, The relevance of Media Education in a digital world according to David Buckingham
2021-07-07: RAJENDRAN THIMENA CELINE, Social networks and teenagers in the research of Danah Boyd
2019-09-17: RANGGA FARINI ALEXANDRO, Communication and human rights: A study of the IAMCR Report, 2012
2019-02-11: MAIRIGA JUVENTUS BIKWAP, Pope Francis on social communications in his World Communication Day Messages and Laudato Sì
2018-10-05: AMBANG NJUME BLESSED, 'Nonviolent Communication' according to Marshal Bertram Rosenberg
2018-06-26: MBIKOYEZU JOHN GBEMBOYO JOSEPH, Elements of a Diocesan Communication Plan as outlined by Aetatis Novae
2018-02-09: SAVARIMUTHU MARIA STEPHEN SATHEESH, Silence and communication in the life of Mahatma Gandhi
2017-06-20: MUTEKEDZA GORDON TENDAI VUSIMUSI, The Indian Opinion. A study of Mahatma Gandhi's journalism in South Africa
2017-02-08: BREITENMOSER WALTER, Michael Moore's ''Bowling for Columbine''. Limits of subjectivity in a documentary
2016-06-27: FADELE GREGORY, The 'culture of commodification' in the information society in the thought of Robert Hassan
2016-06-23: LUGER JOSEPH, Culture and Structure: two important communication elements in organizational management
2016-06-20: DARKO MICHAEL YAW, A study of the Messages of Benedict XVI for World Communications Days with a focus on the Digital Age
2016-06-30: OTOTO ARNOLD MARONGA, 'Primary Orality' according to Walter Ong
2015-10-02: CHIKONYORA SHAMISO, Eight key concepts of media literacy according to John Pungente
2015-09-30: JAYAWARDENA DON SHANIL, Peace journalism. According to Jake Lynch
2015-10-02: AKALA BENEDICTA NGOZI EUPHEMIA, Media education. A presentation of research findings of Alexander Federov.
2015-02-16: NYAMBO FORTUNATE, David Buckingham's study on how children learn with digital media.
2014-02-07: REBEIRO BULBUL AUGUSTINE, The response of Benedict XVI to new media. A study of his messages for World Communication Day.
2013-10-14: MURIANKARY MATHEW, "Media education". A study based on the Grünwald declaration of UNESCO.
2013-10-02: CHILUPULA STELLA NYIRONGO, Media literacy in a digital age according to Renee Hobbs.
2013-06-24: DE VITO RICCARDO, La storia della tecnologia della scrittura dal papiro alla carta.
2012-10-05: CABA MARIA-MIHAELA, Media Education according to Len Masterman.
2012-06-27: BARROS PEREIRA BENTO, The concept of "mass" in mass communication according to Denis McQuail.
2011-10-12: EKEANYANWU EMEZUE HILARION, The critical analysis in Media education according to David Buckingham
2011-10-12: GEORGE ANU, Gandhian principles of journalism for social change.
2011-07-10: PEREDA ZELADA EDWIN LENIN, La prossemica. Esposizione del pensiero di Edward T. Hall.
2011-02-09: YUYAR VICTOR TANGWA, La comunicazione nei piccoli gruppi e il processo decisionale efficace. Il modello di Randy Y. Hirokawa.
2010-10-11: CVITAN ANA, La comunicazione bidirezionale simmetrica di James Grunig e Todd Hunt. Il "modello eccellente" delle relazioni pubbliche.
2010-02-08: JOB SAMUEL OLUSEGUN, La sociologia della musica nel pensiero di Teodoro Adorno.
2008-06-27: FLECKENSTEIN ELIZABETH, La non-violenza di Gandhi. La comunicazione nella teoria e pratica della Satyagraha in Sud Africa.
Second Reader / President of the Jury
2023-02-16: RAHANTASOA CELINE LOUISETTE, L'audiovisivo nell'educazione dei giovani. L'esperienza dei ragazzi dell'Ispettoria Marie Source de Vie, Madagascar. (MASTERS)
2023-02-15: GIANNOTTE ALESSANDRA, Gli strumenti del comunicare di H. Marshall McLuhan: uno studio ancora attuale della comunicazione. (BACHELORS)
2021-02-10: ODIOR ANTHONY ALEAKWE, Uruami (The Rite of Initiation) of the People of Udaba Ekphei. Cultural Significance & Challenges (MASTERS).
2021-02-09: MA PANXIANG, Il vestito come strumento di inculturazione di Matteo Ricci in Cina (MASTERS).
2020-10-19: AFFERI BRICE ULRICH, Artificial Intelligence. Exploration of some areas of application and the problematics pro and con, (BACHELORS)
2020-10-14: MALI AMARESH CHANDRA, Bollywood: birth and development of popular indian cinema, (BACHELORS)
2020-10-01: YADASSI TIKABI, Le jeu chez l'enfant: aspects communicationnel et éducatif , (BACHELORS)
2020-06-26: MBIKOYEZU JOHN GBEMBOYO JOSEPH, Johan Galtung's school of peace journalism. A remedial Strategy for South Sudan, (BACHELORS)
2020-02-11: FUMTCHUM RIGOBERT, La relazione nell'era digitale in Turkle Sherry. Conversazione, alterità, intimità e tecnologie digitali (MASTERS).
2019-10-15: SAVARIMUTHU SATHEESH, The art of storytelling as communication. An Analysis on ''Villu Paatu'' in Sri Lankan Tamil Milieu (MASTERS).
2019-06-25: CHENNATT SIBI A., Educational theatre in Kerala: a survey of literature on traditional forms and contemporary applied theatre (MASTERS).
2019-06-24: PIZZICHETTI BEATRICE, Il cinema d'animazione di Disney e Pixar. Lo sviluppo di un genere narrativo, (BACHELORS).
2019-02-14: TOMECZKOWSKI KRZYSZTOF MICHAL, Teatro salesiano tra il 1918 e il 1940. Generi, autori e missione educativa, (MASTERS).
2019-02-13: VASYLYTSIA HALYNA, Il teatro nelle scuole gesuite nelle terre ucraine dalla fine del XVI Secolo agli inizi del XX Secolo, (BACHELORS).
2019-02-11: ODIOR ANTHONY ALEAKWE, The semiotics of culture concept according to Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman. A critical survey, (BACHELORS)
2019-01-24: LANDA NYOGBIAYO CRISPIN, L'informazione al servizio della Pace nella R.D. del Congo. Una lettura del giornalismo di pace (MASTERS).
2018-06-25: FADELE GREGORY, Mediated terrorism. A critical study of the role of media in terrorism (MASTERS).
2018-06-20: OTOTO ARNOLD MARONGA, Communication for social change according to Walter Ong, (MASTERS).
2018-02-09: SALGUERO ROA JEISON ANDREY, El significado del consumo en el pensamiento de Nestor Garcia Canclini, (BACHELORS).
2017-06-30: CHENNATT SIBI AUGUSTIN, Educational Theatre in Kerela. A survey of literature on traditional & contemporary theatre (BACHELORS)
2017-06-26: MAAJI MOSES, Stig HJarvard's concept of 'mediatization' to study media dynamics in the political context of Nigeria 2015 (MASTERS)
2017-06-22: OMBWORI GIDEON, Barriers to intercultural communication according to Fred Jandt (BACHELORS)
2017-06-21: DELIA FRANCESCO, L'individuo e l'opinione pubblica, il ruolo dei mass-media nel pensiero di Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann (BACHELORS)
2017-06-15: GUBBIOTTI FLAVIA, Comunicazione, identità e vestito. La questione del velo nella cultura islamica (MASTERS)
2017-06-05: RAMOKGWEBANA P. VERONICA, Digital inclusion as an answer to the digital divide: study of recent significant approaches (MASTERS).
2017-02-10: N. MATIBEYE, L'Encyclique ''Laudato Si''.Une lecture à la lumière des théoriques de la com. participative pour le développement (MASTERS)
2017-02-03: S. M. J. BAI MARY LUCIA, La rappresentazione della figura di Cristo in ''Il Vangelo secondo Matteo'' di Pier Paolo Pasolini. (BACHELORS)
2016-09-28: CARDOZO BARRY, Social media and the church: Managing social media for pastoral gains in the Archdiocese of Goa & Daman (MASTERS).
2016-06-16: MARCINKEVICIUTE JURATE, La comunicazione interpersonale e la sua educazione nel Cooperative Learning.(MASTERS)
2016-06-16: OKPARA LOIS CHIBUZOR, Television violence in Barrie Gunter's perspective (BACHELORS)
2016-06-28: MEJIA RODRIGUEZ JAIRO DE JESUS, La comunicación en el magisterio del Papa Francisco: 2013-2015 (MASTERS)
2016-06-30: LUBULA JOSEPH, Digital native students and digital immigrant teachers in the thought of Marc Prensky (BACHELORS)
2016-06-30: KATUSIC HRVOJE, Social media marketing: The Facebook Best Practices
2015-06-24: MUSENGE IGNATIOUS, Young people and digital media in the thoughts of David Buckingham (BACHELORS)
2013-11-04: KUIDIKA AIME', Communiquer a travers les objets sacres: significations de l'habillement liturgique de l'eglise de la R.D.Congo (MASTERS)
2013-06-20: NDHLOVU CHARLES, Drama in education in Africa. A survey in ''Research in Drama Education'' journal 1996-2012 (BACHELORS)
2012-09-27: IORAPUU MOSES AONDOVER, Patriarchal ideologies and media access: how to overcome discrimination against tiv women for sustainable rural development (DOCTORATE).
2012-06-26: TATAH HUMPHREY MBUY, Communication and culture in the thought of James Carey (MASTERS)
2012-02-08: JOB SAMUEL OLUSEGUN, Media education concepts in the writings of David Buckingham (MASTERS)
2012-02-01: LUSCON JOZEF, La formazione dei salesiani nella comunicazione sociale (MASTERS)
2011-10-13: FREITAS GALVAO MAELIZA, Web e accessibilità ai disabili dell'udito e della vista (MASTERS)
2011-02-07: ROSATELLI MARA, Il mondo visto con gli occhi di un bambino. Edmund, Ivan e Giosué: i piccoli uomini al cinema (MASTERS)
2010-06-21: OH JU YOUNG, Il regista sudcoreano Lee Chang-Dong: con lo studio del suo film Oasis (MASTERS)
2010-02-02: MIGLIORESE LUCA, La breakdance: un linguaggio del corpo nell'hip hop (BACHELORS)
2009-10-13: MIRANDA RAFAEL DARIO, L'uso pastorale dei media nell'arcidiocesi di Los Angeles, California (BACHELORS)
2009-10-13: VILONE VALENTINO, - Il mito nel cinema di Sergio Leone. Il sogno americano dello Spaghetti Western (MASTERS)
2008-10-10: NAPOLETANO ELIGIA, Rassegne teatrali nelle scuole italiane. Esperienza di partecipazione comunitaria (BACHELORS)
2008-06-23: LOBO CHETAN LEO, Digital divide: A study of the digital divide in India with reference to Bangalore's Silicon Valley (MASTERS)
* The above theses are the property of the Faculty of the Sciences of Social Communications, Salesian University Rome. For further information on theses at the UPS click here .