Academic Articles (2009-2024)
Elements of a Diocesan Communication Plan (download)
"From 'Parrhesia' to 'Satyagraha' - Expressing the Truth with Love", Part II, in Vidyajyoti (VJTR) 87, August, 2023, 566-583.
"From 'Parrhesia' to 'Satyagraha' - Expressing the Truth with Love", Part I, in Vidyajyoti (VJTR) 87, July, 2023, 485-499.
"Il 'Gesu' di Gandhi", in Mysterion, Rivista di Ricerca in Teologia Spirituale, 13/2 (2020) 292-301.
"Growing to be Salesians of Don Bosco through the smartphone years" in Salesianum, vol. 82/2, 2020, 356-381.
"Just who in the world was Gandhi?" in EduFocus, Mumbai, India 2019. (download)
"Gandhi: John Paul II's 'Hero of Humanity'" in Live Encounters, 2019.
"Paul VI and Gandhi : Kindred Maha-Spirits" in Live Encounters, 2019, (Gandhi Marg 40(1&2), 91-126.
"Peace Education for India: An idea whose time has come back", in Pudumai Doss & Sahayadas, Prophets with Wings, AIDBES, New Delhi, 2018, 161-183.
"The Medium is the Messenger of Hope, A conference to newly appointed bishops (Sept. 2016)" in, I germogli della buona notizia, LAS, Roma, 2017, 27-46.
"Keeping Don Bosco's Educational Method Alive in India: 1906-2016" in Salesianum, vol 78, No 4 (2016), 675-704
"A Barthesian Demythologization of a Colonial Painting" in Public Journal of Semiotics, vol 6, No 2 (2015), 43-58.
"Clothing Choices in Gandhi's Non-verbal Communication" in Gandhi Marg, vol 37/2 (2015), 315-331.
"Clothing Choices in Gandhi's Swadeshi Movement" in Gandhi Marg, vol 37/1 (2015), 7-28.
"Metaphors Pope Francis Lives By", in Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, vol. 79/6, June, 2015, 405-423.
"Johnny Bosco's Communication Competence, A theory-guided study of Don Bosco's autobiographical anecdotes: 1825-1835" in Salesianum vol. 77, 2015, 127-163.
“Gandhi’s Jesus”, Live Encounters Magazine, December vol. 1, 2014, 10-21.
"The Nonverbal Revolution of Pope Francis, with a little help from McLuhan", Live Encounters, Dec 1, 2013, pp. 27-31.
"'Not with blows!' A study of Don Bosco’s place in the history of nonviolent education" in Orientamenti Pedagogici, vol.60, n.4, October-November-December, 2013, pp 777-791.
"The Mahatma, Il Duce and the Crucifix - Gandhi's Brief Encounter with Mussolini and its Consequences", Salesianum 74 (2012) 709-724.
(Co-Editor) "Introduction" to India Oggi - Cultura ed Educazione, Prima Parte (Luglio-Settembre), Seconda Parte (Ottobre-Dicembre), Salesianum 74 (2012), 425-428 & 621-624.
"'Gandhi Visits the Vatican, an inquiry into the Pope's inability to grant him an audience" in Gandhi Marg, vol. 33, no. 3 (Oct-Dec), Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi, 2011, pp. 301-336.
"Don Bosco's 'Expressive' Education: An alternative perspective for a communication age" in Salesianum, vol. 71, no.4, LAS, Rome, 2009, pp. 651-694
"Half-Naked Fakir’ The story of Gandhi’s personal search for sartorial integritymore" in Gandhi Marg, vol. 31, no. 1 (April-June), Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi, 2009, pp. 5-30.
To download the above articles and the introductions of my Gandhi trilogy, please visit >>>
If you are unable to access the Academia website, but are eager to have a copy of an article listed above, please write to,
gonsalves.p [ at ]
Please mention the title of the article you desire preferably with your reason for the request.
Academic Articles (Before 2009)
“Salesian Social Communication in South Asia - Memories, Initiatives, Perceptions and Possibilities”, in Paul Puthenangady (ed.), 100 Years in South Asia – Research Seminar, KJC Publications, Bangalore, January 2006, pp. 161-200.
“Media Education on Web Design in Cyberspace: The Synthesis of an Action Research under the Aegis of the British Film Institute”, Divyadaan, Vol. 16, March, 2005, pp. 343-358.
“Freedom and Moral Responsibility in the Bhagavad-Gita”, Divyadaan, Nashik, Vol. 1, 1984-85, pp. 1-10.
Academic articles translated:
Paolo Gambini, The Search for Identity and Meaning during Adolescence from the original:“La ricerca di identità e di senso nell’adolescenza”, in: Orientamenti Pedagogici 3 (2005) 475-498.
Popular Articles (1990-2009)
"The Humour of Jesus, A reflection on Matthew 17: 22-27", The Examiner, Mumbai, August 2024, pp. 7, 9.
“Parenting the Don Bosco Way – III”, The Examiner, Mumbai, February 1, 2003, pp.10-11.
“Parenting the Don Bosco Way – II” The Examiner, Mumbai, January 25, 2003, pp.12-13.
“Parenting the Don Bosco Way – I”, The Examiner, Mumbai, January 18, 2003, pp.12-13.
“Caste Discrimination – India's Dirty Linen!”, The Examiner, Mumbai, September 15, 2001 pp. 5-6.
“The Tehno-media Age: the Promise, the Threat, the Challenge”, Vidyajyoti, Delhi, Vol.65:9, September, 2001, pp.657-666.
“The Tehno-media Age: the Promise, the Threat, the Challenge”, Divyadaan, Nashik, Vol.10:3, October, 1999, pp. 319-333
“Fr. Aurelius Maschio: Faith of Steel and a Heart of Gold”, The Examiner, Mumbai, September 21, 1996, pp. 4-5.
“Can the Church Learn from the Mass Media?”, The Examiner, Mumbai, November 18 , 1995, pp. 13-14
“What's Media Education”, The Examiner, Mumbai, May 20, 1995, pp. 9-10.
“Media Education – the Need of the Hour”, Word and Worship, Bangalore, Vol.28:6, July 1995, pp. 206-21
“Mandal is not Bandal”, The Examiner, Mumbai, November 10, 1990, pp. 121-124.
“Dongargan Stands Tall”, The Examiner, Mumbai, March 31, 1990, pp. 341-342.
Online News and Information about Peter Gonsalves:
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Academia Edu:
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